Upcoming Concerts

A row of QWAB musicians playing clairnet and bassoon

City Sounds

SUNDAY 2 MARCH 2025 12:00pm, 1:00pm, and 2:00pm
Queen Street Mall, Brisbane

Join Queensland Wind and Brass at the top of the Queen Street Mall for a range of light music that will get you up off your seat and tapping your feet.

We’ll be playing a selection of well-known tunes from popular movies, Broadway, and everything in between.

Ticket information: This is a free event.

At a concert, a row of musicians play the flute

Captain’s Call

SATURDAY 10 MAY 2025 7:00pm
Old Museum Building, Brisbane

In honour of Alisa Jones’ 10th Anniversary as QWAB’s Musical Director, our first Major Concert for 2025 will be a “Captain’s Call.”

For this special event, Alisa will curate a programme based on pieces nominated by band and audience members.

Ticket information: Ticketing information available closer to the event.

Queensland Wind and Brass plaing different brass instruments

City Sounds

SUNDAY 8 JUNE 2025 12:00pm, 1:00pm, and 2:00pm
Queen Street Mall, Brisbane

Join Queensland Wind and Brass at the top of the Queen Street Mall for a range of light music that will get you up off your seat and tapping your feet.

We’ll be playing a selection of well-known tunes from popular movies, Broadway, and everything in between.

Ticket information: This is a free event.

Timpani sticks on a traps table in front of a musician playing the timpanis. In the distance you can see an orchestra.


SUNDAY 3 AUGUST 2025 2:30pm
Old Museum Building, Brisbane

Experience the power of emotion through music. Our second Major Concert of 2025 invites you on a journey through memories, passion, sadness, and joy – all conveyed through the universal language of music.

Join us to feel, connect, and celebrate the beauty of music together.

Ticket information: Ticketing information available closer to the event.

Tennis Centre

Queensland Tennis Centre

Queensland Tennis Centre, Tennyson

Join us for a free twilight performance at the Queensland Tennis Centre.

Ticket information: This is a free event.

A horn rests on a musicians lap.

End of Year Showcase

SATURDAY 29 NOVEMBER 2025 7:00pm
Old Museum Building, Brisbane

Join Queensland Wind and Brass for our final performance of 2025.

Ticket information: Ticketing information available closer to the event.